Tuesday, June 30, 2009

Sue Scheff: Great Parenting Practices

Finding Advice on Parenting:
If your challenge is teen parenting issues, a parenting expert who specializes in small kids is not going to help. If you’re having potty training troubles, you won’t get much assistance from a parenting expert who teaches money strategies for kids.
That’s why the Parenting Expert Teleseminar Series (P.E.T.S.) was developed: to provide targeted parenting help so you can get exactly the help you need for the issue you’re facing.
What does this site offer?

Hear free, live teleseminars with parenting experts who will cover every possible issue, or listen to audios in our replay library and confirm that the expert has the information you want, before investing major time and money.
Get recognition that you are your child’s parenting expert, and you need options so that you can choose parenting tips that reflect your family’s uniqueness.
About the Founder - Jacqueline Green
Jacqueline Green, BA, has taught parenting education for almost 10 years. She was overwhelmed with parenting her two-year old son and new baby girl so she decided to facilitate the well-known How to Talk so Kids Will Listen and Listen so Kids Will Talk course. One of her strengths as a parenting educator is that she knows what it is like to be able to manage a boardroom and yet be reduced to her knees by two little kids!

She also taught the Active Parenting course, before branching off to mentor with Dr. Gordon Neufeld, best-selling author of Hold On to Your Kids. From Dr. Neufeld, she learned how to use ground-breaking insights from developmental psychology to help her parent with more ease and joy. The better her parenting experience became, the more passionate she became about helping other parents who may be struggling like she was.

In 2004, Jacqueline started teaching on the Internet in order to reach more parents than she could through her live courses. Now she is the host of the Parenting Expert Teleseminar Series (PETS), a free teleseminar where she interviews different parenting experts over the telephone or by webinar. Eventually she plans to cover every conceivable parenting topic, so that parents can get an idea of what help is available before deciding to work further with one particular expert.

What makes the PETS calls even more special is that the people who sign up are the ones who come up with the content. That means the expert is addressing the most common concerns of the audience. This targeted content is much more interesting and valuable for parents than if the expert tells you what they think you want to know!

Jacqueline is also an Expert Author with Ezine articles, which gives her a chance to teach the developmental psychology gems that she's applied to her family to a wider audience. She feels passionately that the tips that have turned her parenting around would be much more widely used if they were better known. In passing on this information, Jacqueline is doing her part to transform the parenting experience across North America and the world.

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