Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Sue Scheff: Text Message That is Making Schools a Safer Place - "I love u guys"

I Love You Guys Foundation
On September 27th, 2006 a gunman entered Platte Canyon High School, held seven girls hostage and ultimately shot and killed Emily Keyes. During the time she was held hostage, Emily sent her parents text messages... "I love you guys" and "I love u guys. k?" Emily's kindness, spirit, fierce joy, and the dignity and grace that followed this tragic event define the core of The "I Love U Guys" Foundation.


We're pragmatic. Our initiative, The National Student Safety Collaborative (NS2C), started as a separate arm of the foundation under which to conduct some information gathering and research. The question was simple. "Can we really help?"

From the inception of the foundation the Keyes Family explored the arena of school safety. They attended symposiums, conferences and events about school safety. Tons of research. The foundation hosted roundtables of it's own. And the foundation contracted an Emergency Management Practioner to jumpstart the learning curve and make introductions. (Perhaps, the best research investment we made.)

Read more at http://www.iloveyouguys.org/  and a recent article about this story.

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